Now, you can prepare special set up for your KOT in your desired format and for getting this facility you need to follow this tag; Tools>Option>KOT. Just then a window appears there in which you need to mark desirous fields. All these fields contain various features.
Let's know about all these features in brief;
Enable Time On KOT: By clicking on this option you can get bill printing time on KOT .
Disable Online KOT printing; If you don't want to print KOT bill at the time of entry you need to click on this option.
Set quantity Before Item Code; If you want quantity box first and then Item code you can click on this option.
Separate KOT for each Kitchen; When you opt this option your bill will be printed separately according to selected kitchen.
Print Waiter Name; To print waiter name on KOT you need to select its box.
KOT Auto No. Schedule; If you think that bill no should be generated in sequence you have facility to select bill generation on Daily, Monthly & Yearly basis. It depends on your wish which one you want to select.
Windows Printer For KOT; In this box you will select Printer Device Name.
Font; You can select also favourite font for printing of your bill by clicking on a button which has been given to you there.
KOT View; You can also view status of KOT. If you want to view status of All KOT, Pending KOT or KOT for generated bill click separately on the option. However you can view same status by clicking right click on the first table given at the top of right side on the window of KOT Entry.
Print KOT No on Bill: You can now print KOT No on your bill in a very easier way. Printing of KOT No. on this you need to click on this tag; Tools>Option>Bill.
As you click on this tag a following window will open in which an option for Print KOT NO given. You require to click in front of this box. When you mark this option all your bill will be printed with KOT No.