After producing the job of customers deliver their products. While you deliver the job you must have to maintain your record. Keeping such things in mind we have given you an option for making entry for job delivery. To access this option you need to come with this tag; Customer/ Job Management>Delivery Entry.
As you access the path you get three options that are being given below;
Let’s understand all the three options in detail and also examines its usability;
Auto Delivery Mode: It provides you common way of delivering it means this window will ask you same process for every customers or customers type. Here you can’t make any kinds of changes in particular.
It is very simple in processing and using. When you access this one you get a simple window in it you require to put down very few information regarding delivery. You would provide here information like;
Manual Delivery Mode: This is such kind of delivery mode by which you have freedom to make changes in particular. It means you can here modify tax status, quantity of products and rate code. This is basically given for specific purposes.
Pending Cash: This option presents data relating to pending cash amount of every customer. This helps you in getting information of pending amount.