Mr. Rishi Acharya Proprietor of Pelagian Softwares received "Bharatiya Vikas Ratan Award" from All India Business Development Association. Award was given to Mr. Rishi in seminar of "Individual Achievements in Economy and Social Spheres" at hotel Connaught in New Delhi. The candidate was picked due to his initiative, creative thinking, innovation, and have gone beyond the normal bureaucratic boundaries. The honor was given by Kenya's Ambassador Alex, JVG Krisna Murti former Election Commissioner, Bhism Narayan Singh former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.
Aabida's Secretary K Bist cast the ligh on Mr. Acharya's accomplishments that he has made more then 30 softwares for different kind of business units at the very young age. His most popular developments are accounting softwares, dictionary software (Hindi to English, English to hind) and three huge portals of internet world ,, . He has showed his high energy in IT field which is generally even difficult for big groups.
This organisation is governed from Delhi and it has been giving honour for last 7 years that includes business tycoons and more then 10,000 members from business world. along with this award "Rastriya Shikccha Ratan Award", "Best Teacher Award", "Udhyog Pratibha Award", "Bhartiya Nirmaan Ratan Aaward" were given to the about 20 intellectuals.