Can I print greeting message on my bill?
Yes, you can print greeting message on bill by setting in Control (Fix-Up).
Can I use a Epson TM-H6000ii, TM-U220 or any other TM Series printer with your program and how do I configure the printer?
Yes, you can use Epson TN-H6000ii Printer for parallel port only and there is no required to do anything else. Only you have activate option for autocut of paper, if required.
Is it possible for me to use your restaurant management software in a system which has only dos installed in it.?
You can use software in every old or new PC, which one use only DOS no any version of Windows. Demo version which you are trialing is enable to setup for windows, The Set of CD-ROM, which we will dispatch to you as registered user is enable to install dos and windows both.
I have old PC, can I use this software on old PC ?
Yes, you can use Restaurant billing software on old pc, this software does not demand highest configuration of system and space on hard disk.
I have a beer bar, can I manage number of pegs from conversion to received bottles ?
Yes, This software is design for beer bar also with facility of unit conversion from bottles to pegs.
Is Compu Restaurant billing software works as a touch screen software ?
No, Compu Restaurant billing software does not work as touch screen software. Our Windows Version works on touchscreen mode.
Can I delete or modify any Table or other Master, which has already been used?
No. You can neither delete nor modify a any master which is already used. However you can create a new master to get your desired table name.
What is password to trial Restaurant Billing Software for DOS?
There are two kind of password: one is blank and another is SUPER.