Set Up of Bill Printing in Restaurant Billing Software

Pelagian Restaurant Billing Software

Updated 03 Aug, 2012

Contol Panel Restaurant Billing SoftwareIt is obviously true that every operator wants to get bill printing in an attractive format that really please you too. To print out bill directly from counter operator must need to set up some information which helps you lot to find bill copy in desired format. And if you wish so please follow this tag first to access Bill set up window; Tools>Option>Bill.

As you click on instructed tag a window will at once come to you in the following format;

There are certain fields would be visible in its window which are being described here.

Bill Heads; Write preferable names of Bill heads that you prefer to write down.

Note; Put important notes if you want to provide your guest.

Windows Printer for Bill; If you select this option your Printer Device Name will be enabled and it helps you to choose printer device name further.

Font; You can select font from here.

Arial Font In Particulars; To print in arial font in particulars you need to select this.

Print Time; To print Time on bill select this option.

Print Address/Phone NO; Select this option for print address/phone no of the guest.

Print Waiter Name; Choose this option to print Waiter Name of your restaurant.

Print Rate; You can print rate of the items on the bill copy by selecting this option.

Customer Waiting Slip; If you want to print customer waiting slip you need to specify this option.

Separate Bill For Each Kitchen; In your restaurant there are many kitchen and if you want to print

bill of each kitchen you require to select this one.

Round Figure; To print amount in round figure you need to select this option.

Print Logo; To print logo of your restaurant on bill copy you need to opt this option.

Print Bill Amount In Word; If you want to print bill in word also you are requested to select this one, and

Bill Auto No Schedule; You can generate your bill on auto no. schedule for it you need to choose one option of Daily. Monthly & Yearly.

KOT No. on Bill: You can now print KOT No on your bill in a very easier way. Printing of KOT Bill No. on this you need to click on this tag; Tools>Option>Bill.

As you click on this tag a following window will open in which an option for Print KOT NO given. You require to click in front of this box. When you mark this option all your bill will be printed with KOT No.

Repeat Item on Bill;Many a times you need to make entry of same items for one bill. And if you want to see the items how many times you have repeated same items, for it you can can mark this option. Basically it has been added here for viewing the quantity of items.


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