Creating firm in PSAccounting

PSA Accounting - Useful for Everyone

Updated 31 Oct, 2010

When you will get PSAccounting first time, it will ask information for your organisation. Give the complete detail such as Organisation Name, Address, Phone Number, LST Number, CST Number and Financial Year for better performance. It will take some time to create database for your accounting firm as per your machine speed.

After that it will ask for password for your firm which is already set blank. Change your password in Password / Super Password from Util Menu.

Select Company
To select a company go to ‘Select Company’ from ‘Util’ Menu and select from given list window.

Edit Company
Press F6 to edit company information in ‘Select Company’ from ‘Util’ Menu. New Company
To create new company Press F5 in ‘Select Company’ from ‘Util’ Menu and select from given list window.


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