is a office and home purpose contact management software which is not only maintain your daily required contact numbers and addresses but also it maintains your all schedules, birthday & marriage anniversary with auto reminder facility, thousands of year Calendar, Rate Recorder, Label/Diary/Envelope Printing, Office file management, Investment management Facilities etc.
Menu Driven & Hot Key System: To make it easy operating.
Calendar: It provides you a calendar of thousands of year. So you will be enabled to see any day, date, Month & year up to where your machine can approach.
Daily Schedules: Part of schedules maintains your time appointment, schedules, which is going to happening in your rest life. It can also maintain your past appointment, schedules for memorandum. TD-SUPER will maintain these records and will manipulating them as and when required you.
Records Maintaining: In the one record Name, Birthday, Marriage Anniversary, All kinds of contact No. (Telephone, Mobile, Pager, Fax, E-mail etc.), Address, Pincode, Category, Favorite Color & Festival, Blood Group and remarks kind of information can be stored in this program.
Quick Searching: No barriers for searching, you can search the record(s) by Name/Number/Category/Area or even you can search the record(s) on any key-words in all records or in any category.
Labels/Diary/Envelope Printing: You can take printout of any record on the label into different size. You can also have multiple label print of one record on label sheet in one time. Print out can also be taken on envelope, full page etc. and selection bar will help you to choose the size of label. You can also create the customize size of label.
Interlink Facility: This is a powerful facility of TD-SUPER which enables you to linking between records. So Whenever you see any record and having no memories for that, linked with another record will help you into this matter.
Birthday & Marriage Anniversary Auto reminder: At the Startup of TD-SUPER, birthday and marriage anniversary will be automatically reminded you if you have fed above dates in the related record. So you can surprise to your nearest and dearest.
Schedules Auto reminder: TD-SUPER auto reminds you about you schedules( if fed in programme) at starting session of TD-SUPER.
Office & File Manager: This option assist you to to manage your office files and daily inward and outward of your documents.
Recent opening of address: Now easy to open a address by this option.
Investment Manager: To easy handling of your own LIC, FDR, Recurring etc.
Personal Diary: Not required to maintain Diary on paper, TD-SUPER allows you to maintain your daily diary as Daily Notes, Daily Diary and hobbies.
Available Database In this Package
If you are facing Run Time Error.
If you are using DOS / Win95 / Win98 Write statements in config.sys in root folder of drive C.
FILES = 100
If you are using Windows XP/2000, then write statements in config.nt at end of file.
FILES = 100
please select all files in folder and right click and get 'Properties' option and remove tick mark of Read-Only Attributes Memory Trouble
If your are using DOS / Windows 95 or Windows 98 then write statements in config.sys
If your are using Windows ME/2000/XP then write statements in config.nt in windows\system32 folder.
Call +91 9829500343 for White Label TDSUPER - Multiuser